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Dedicated Servers

We offer a wide variety of high-performance bare-metal.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to our team if you require further assistance or need a custom quote. All systems are built to order.

Rated 4.2 out of 5 in Trustpilot.com

For only Server Name CPU Storage Memory Stock
$69.99 /month E5v2-64G 10 Cores 1 TB 64 GB 0 Out Of Stock
$89.99 /month E5v2-128G 10 Cores 1 TB 128 GB 0 Out Of Stock
$159.99 /month E5v3-128G 24 Cores 2 TB 128 GB 1 Place Order
$289.99 /month Ryzen 5800X 8 Cores 2 TB 64 GB 0 Out Of Stock

In the ever-expanding digital landscape, the decision to choose the perfect hosting company for your next project is pivotal.

When you're hosting your project, your business, your digital passage, your game server, you deserve the best you can get. You need reliability, you need stability and uptime. You need DDoS Mitigation. You need Terabit. Terabit does not compromise on giving you the best that you need. From the hardware, to the software and the network, you're always in first place. Never settle for less than excellent. You're in the right place.

Fine-tuned Routing

Enjoy the lowest latency to your users and optimized routing to ensure reliable, fast connectivity with compromises.

DDoS Mitigation

With an uncompromising over 6 Terabit Per Second of stateful mitigation, your servers are shielded at all times.

Full API Access

Control your services headlessly via API, including our Mitigation Firewall, game servers, virtual servers and bare-metal, and never miss a beat.

24 / 7 Support

Our staff is ready to help you at any hour. We're 100% in-house staff team to ensure reliability and quality of support without any compromises.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our network has over 6 terabits per second of overall capacity, this capacity is spread across every Point of Presence we operate.

Our bandwidth is unmetered with fair-usage policy in place. This means, in the simplest way, we reserve our right to ask you to reduce your bandwidth usage or increase your plan to account for your overall bandwidth consumption. We will not suspend you automatically, we will reach out to you first and allow multiple days before an administrative action may be taken.

Our entire network is Anycast out of the box, and we do support BGP. We do support BGP community passthrough with some limitations in place.

From time to time, we will give our discount codes in our community Discord, or via social media such as X. Keep an eye out for discount codes when they come around!



Network Capacity





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